What is Photochemical Milling Industry (PCMI)?

  • The photochemical machining industry (PCMI) process consists of several important steps. Each step is a critical prerequisite to the next.
  • It is a non-traditional, subtractive machining process that uses photographic and chemical techniques to shape metal work pieces. After having the image of a design developed on the work piece, a strong chemical solution is poured over the work piece that selectively corrodes and removes excess material from unprotected areas leaving a flawless and sharp image or part. The areas to be saved or removed are selected using photographic techniques, such as photoresist imaging.
  • The photochemical etching process is one of the preferred methods for producing thin metal parts with simple or complex designs for the electronics, automotive, medical, R/F microwave, and aerospace industries.
  • This precision metal etching process provides quality photo etched products to meet compliance standards for products that need safety, strength, ductility, conductivity, and resistance to harsh elements.

PCMI Process

What does RBP do for PCMI?

We provide innovative chemical solutions for a number of industries. We are surface chemistry experts.

Quality Products:

  • The photochemical etching process involves a number of chemical reactions.
  • RBP offers quality products to help customers every step of the way.

Unbeatable Service:

  • Customers can provide their special requirements to our team.
  • RBP can customize its products to assist your special needs.

Learn More About Our Photochemical Milling (PCMI) Solutions

Photochemical Milling (PCMI) Solutions

MicroClean™ CMIron & Copper Alloy Microcleaner RD-38MicroClean™ CM is a “micro-cleaner” that is designed to remove extremely tenacious soils from copper, …photochemical-milling
ChemPolish™ ETChemical polish ChemPolish ET (RDX-1096)is an acidic bath used for polishing and passivating 300 series (austenitic) stainless …cleaners photochemical-milling
ElectroClean™ EC (RD-44)Metal cleanerElectroClean EChas been used in automated reverse current(anodic) cleaning machines, such as the machine offered …cleaners photochemical-milling
VersaPrep™Chemical CleanerVersaPrep is formulated to microetch multiple metallic surfaces and thus improve their processing including lamination, …microetchants-for-photochemical-milling photochemical-milling
MicroClean™ CuLAlkaline Copper and Iron Alloy Spray CleanerMicroClean CuL is a micro-cleaner that is designed to remove extremely tenacious soils from coppercleaners photochemical-milling
MicroClean™ CuLXAlkaline Copper and Iron Alloy Soak CleanerMicroClean CuLX is a micro-cleaner that is designed to remove extremely tenacious soils from coppercleaners photochemical-milling
MicroClean™ SMetal cleanerMicroClean S is a low foam cleaner for removing fingerprints, chromate and oxide residues from …cleaners photochemical-milling
Ferric CleanerEquipment CleanerFerric Cleaner removes water hardness, photoresist scum and metal salt deposits from chemical processing equipment. …specialty-chemicals photochemical-milling
Ferric Defoamer™Ferric Etch Spray AntifoamFerric Defoamer is a fully organic, non-silicone, water-soluble defoamer that rinses readily and leaves no …specialty-chemicals photochemical-milling
Ferric Chloride 42 BEFerric Chloride Etching SolutionFerric Chloride Solution is acidic and should be handled only with appropriate safety equipment including …etchants photochemical-milling
ChemPolish™ RD-5Chemical Polish ChemPolish RD-5is an acidic bath used for polishing and passivating 300 series (austenitic) stainless steel …photochemical-milling